2022-23 Swimming News

Swimmers finish strong on final day of national championships
Swimmers finish strong on final day of national championships

Allison McCloy had two top-eight individual swims on the third and final day of the 2023 U SPORTS Swimming Championships hosted by the university of Victoria.

Tigers move up the standings on Day 2 of U SPORTS
Tigers move up the standings on Day 2 of U SPORTS

Tigers swimmers continued to have great results in day two of the 2023 U SPORTS Swimming Championships hosted by the University of Victoria.

Swimmers off to good start at U SPORTS championships
Swimmers off to good start at U SPORTS championships

Tigers swimmers had some great results on day one of the 2023 U SPORTS Swimming Championships hosted by the University of Victoria.

Photo by Udantha Chandraratne
Tigers win men's and women's AUS titles

The Tigers captured both the men's and women's AUS swimming titles Sunday.

Photo courtesy of Udantha Chandraratne
Swim Tigers extend lead at AUS championships

The men's and women's swim teams continue to lead after day two of the 2023 Subway AUS Swimming Championships hosted by the Memorial Sea-Hawks in St. John's, NLFD.

Photo by Udantha Chandraratne
Tigers leading after Day 1 of AUS Championships

Tigers will four events on Day 1.

Photo courtesy of Trevor MacMillan
Tigers claim 2022 Kemp-Fry Invitational Titles

The women's team won 11 of 19 events, while the men had six first-place finishes to claim the team titles of the 2022 Kemp-Fry Invitational Swim Meet in Halifax.

Photo courtesy of Trevor MacMillan
Swimmers continue to lead 2022 Kemp-Fry Invitational

After two days of competition, the Dalhousie Tigers men’s and women’s swim teams continue to lead the 2022 Kemp-Fry Invitational Swim Meet. 

Photo courtesy of Peter Reimer
Tigers off to great start at annual Kemp-Fry invitational

The men's and women's teams are bot in the lead after day one of the 2022 Kemp-Fry Invitational Swim Meet hosted at Dalplex.

Photo courtesy of Peter Oleskevich
Swimmers capture 2022 Jack Scholz Invitational Titles

Liam Ferguson, Reagan Crowell and Allison McCloy each one two events on the final day of the 2022 Jack Scholz Invitational Swim Meet, hosted by Acadia in Wolfville.

Photo courtesy of Peter Oleskevich
Tigers off to great start at Jack Scholz Invitational

Allison Cloy and Reagan Crowell both won two events on the first day of competition at the jack Scholz Invitational Swim Meet hosted by Acadia in Wolfville.

Photo by Andy Campbell
Tigers take 20 of 35 races to win Amby Legere

The Tigers take both the men's and women's titles at the Amby Legere meet this weekend.

Photo by Andy Campbell/UNB Athletics
Tigers on top after day one of Amby Legere

The Tigers lead in both the men's and women's standing after day one.