First Year Feature, Swimming

First Year Feature, Swimming

The transition from high school to college athletics is significant. We’re highlighting athletes from all varsity teams this season who are on the path to becoming great athletes at Dalhousie University.   

This week we would like to introduce Amari, an AUS medalist on the women's swim team! Hailing from Ottawa, ON, Amari is at Dal to study medical sciences!


How long have you been swimming for? 

I started competitive swimming 10 years ago, when I was 8. 


Did you play any other sports growing up? 

No, swimming is my only sport.  


Who is somebody in sport you admired growing up and why? 

I admired Kylie Masse with her amazing international-level achievements, and I got to meet her a few times in Ontario which was very cool.  


What is the most memorable moment in your career so far? 

Getting a silver medal in 100 fly at my first AUS is something I’ll never forget!  


What made you choose Dalhousie University? 

I had heard great things about the swim team, community, city, and overall environment so I wanted to be a varsity athlete here.  


Did any of your family members attend Dalhousie University? 

My older sister is in her 4th year at Dal right now and she convinced me that it was a great school and swim team.  


What are some differences you’ve noticed being a part of a DAL team compared to your previous teams? 

Everyone is so committed to getting better and supporting each other in and out of the pool. It truly is a second family.  


How would you describe your time with the team so far? 

It has been so amazing becoming a part of such a hardworking, tight-knit team. I have loved getting to know everyone, being surrounded by such positive energy, and improving alongside my teammates.  


Any hidden talents? 

Painting and henna 


Fast Fact Questions (rapid fire, 1-word answers) 

Favourite food? Thai food and burritos  

Favourite movie? Little Women 

Favourite warm-up song or current favourite song? Any upbeat Taylor Swift songs 

Favourite professional athlete or team? Summer McIntosh 

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? The beach 

Who is an athlete that you would compare yourself to? Katerine Savard