A summer in the community

A summer in the community

Lots of Tigers swimmers spent a part of their summer break helping to shape competitive swimmers of the future.

Bryan Bell, a swimmer with the Tigers in the 2014-14 and 2014-15 seasons, has been coaching the St. Margaret's Bay Breakers the past two summers. At the recent provincial championships, he was selected as Swim Nova Scotia's Coach of the Year.

"I love being able to take what I’ve learned from my experiences in the pool and passing them along to the athletes that I coach," says Bell. "Watching these swimmers grow not only as athletes, but also as people, makes coaching that much better and makes going to the pool every day very enjoyable."

There are 17 clubs in Swim Nova Scotia's summer swim program. Current and former Tigers swimmers have been coaching at many of the clubs for years including Maude Charest and Bell with the St. Margaret's Bay Breakers, Meagan and Mathieu Bernier with the Colby Sailfish, Peter Inches with the Bedford Beavers and Phoebe Lenderyou and Laura MacMillan with the Waeg Waves and Canada Games Centre, respectively.

Tony Liew, Morrgan Payne, Kennan Teghtsoonien and Tyler Immel-Herron also played a large role in the summer swim season as Swim Nova Scotia's summer students.

"Our team is very community driven, therefore it is great to see the coaches, swimmers, parents, and community members come together to run a successful summer season," continues Bell. "It gives me so much joy to witness the confidence level in a swimmer grow as the season progresses and finally to see their hard work pay off at the end of the year. Although a coaches role is to teach an athlete, I have found that the athletes I have been able to coach have taught me so much and they make the job that much more rewarding."

Be sure to catch the Tigers in the pool this year as they vie for their 19th (men's) and 16th (women's) AUS championship titles.