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First Year Feature - Men's Soccer

First Year Feature - Men's Soccer

The transition from high school to college athletics is significant. We’re highlighting athletes from all varsity teams this season who are on the path to becoming great athletes at Dalhousie University. 

This week we would like to introduce you to Fredericton, New Brunswick native Jacob Moore. Jacob is on the men’s soccer team, and is majoring in management..

How long have you been playing soccer?

I’ve been playing soccer for 12 years.  

Did you play any other sports growing up?

Growing up, I also played basketball.

Who is somebody in sport you admired growing up and why? 

My cousin Jayden, because he was always a lot better than everyone on the field and I wanted to achieve that. 

What is the most memorable moment in your career so far?

Coming in fourth in the Canada Games while playing for Team New Brunswick. 

What made you choose Dalhousie University?

I chose Dalhousie because I wanted to stay close to my family. 

What are some differences you’ve noticed being part of a Dal team compared to your previous teams?

On the Dal team, I’m playing with people from all around Canada.

How would you describe your time with the team so far? 

It’s been a lot of fun, and I’ve gained a lot of new friendships that I’ll have for life. 

What are some of your interests outside of sports?

Eating food and sleeping. 

What is the biggest risk you’ve taken so far in your athletic career? 

Moving to Moncton to attend the High Performance Academy for soccer. 

What was the coolest experience you’ve had so far this year? 

Going on the e-scooters around downtown.

Fast Fact Questions:

Favourite food?: Chicken  

Favourite movie?: Friday  

Favourite warm-up song or current favourite song?: Jodeci by Yg Pablo  

Favourite professional athlete or team?: Kyrie Irving 

Who is an athlete that you would compare yourself to?: Myself